Paula Silverberg Fine Art Photography

Paula captures the richness of nature and the world around her. Canon is her photo equipment of choice. She finds that exploring color leads to exciting discoveries, whether photographing a village scene, foreign city, market place or the colors of nature. Her photographs create a simple vibrancy meant to capture moments in time – the extraordinary in the everyday. Paula’s “Mexican Gold” was the winner of an Honorable Mention Photographer’s Forum Magazine Best of Photography 2008.

Paula currently sponsors five children from around the world through Children International, an organization that since 1936 has worked to lift children out of poverty through education and health care. A portion of each art sale benefits her sponsorships and supports the work of Children International. Paula believes that we can repair the world one child at a time. In February 2014 Paula visited three of her kids–Johan, Kenia and Naydelyn– in Jalisco, Mexico witnessing, firsthand, the magic of her sponsorships with Children International. Her art dollars truly help to change lives.

Visit Paula’s Collections to get a colorful sampling of her work. Contact Paula to place an order or see more of her portfolio.